Rambo Woods

3 years ago

Omg, My mother was admitted 12 days ago after losi...

Omg, My mother was admitted 12 days ago after losing her hand due to infection post surgery. She ended up with an infection that could only be treated with strong antibiotics via intravenously. I will add that she lost her right leg approximately 1.5 years ago from complications from diabetes and received care from Sutter Hospital and the Rehab Institute attached to the Hospital. She had such great care and experiences throughout the original amputation that we didn't hesitate to have her be admitted again. Big mistake.

Sutter-Roseville has everything one would want by pleasing aesthetic visuals, but unfortunately the facade was utter window dressing. This latest experience was a horror movie. We were lied to directly from staff and it was obvious that "pass the buck" is a game that they are very adept but it's the status quo for this latest stay. Drs, RNs, CNAs, Case Managers, Floor Supervisor, and support staff were negligent and frustratingly incompetent in her overall care. In the 12 days she received no cleaning (even a bird bath) and was allowed to wallow in her own feces and a air mattress that was never cleaned or kept sterile/hygienic. She came out with a sore on her other heal that we are terrified that will lead to complications in her only foot and leg. In fact, we spotted the injury while she was being transferred to the commode. We took pictures. The Nursing staff were clueless.

Multiple times we told the staff that we wanted to be kept up on all of the decisions that affected her health. Multiple times, we never received a phone call until a Dr decided to send her home (we live 90 miles away) and the hospital was calling to tell us that they were discharging and come pick her up. That was 3 days ago, and she is still admitted because when we arrived to get her, she was in tremendous pain and hadn't had a bowel movement in over 2 days. Over and over we implored the Med-Surge (3rd floor) Nurses and Case Manager to call and report progress or concerns and the communication was non-existant. What made matters worse was every time we pointed out areas of concern, Noone ever accepted any responsibility but passed the buck to someone else. Over and over we were told one thing only to have find out someone changed the directive or orders. When my sister called to talk to the Case Manager Sara, she talked to an abrasive, rude, combative, argumentative individual that flat out lied to her.

Today, we met with Eric, the Floor Supervisor and were told that he was very sorry for the treatment and unethical behavior of various individuals. Due to the fact that my mother was still in great pain and hadn't had a movement, we were told that the Dr on duty (Dixits) had great compassion and wanted to make sure that my mother was stable enough to leave the hospital and that today's discharge order was being canceled.

We met with the Dr an hour later and true to form, She came in like gang busters and told us that she was discharging my mother post haste. I was completely flabbergasted. But again, another directive being changed without any regard to the overall condition of the patient. Evidently the complaints we had and addressed to the various staff throughout the week made the Dr decide to discharge with my mother without regards to her health.

Completely unacceptable. I will be following up with a detailed description of the circus act of this hospital staff and a report to the Joint Commission.


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