Angel Jung

3 years ago

Worst Credit Union ever!

Worst Credit Union ever!
My husband financed his vehicle through Mobility Credit Union. Two months later, another driver recklessly and without paying attention, pulled out off a side road and collided with my husband. The vehicle was totaled. We only made two payments at this point (for April and May of 2019). Our next payment was due June 15th and their latest letter dated July 22nd, stated the last payment was made June 18th, this is most likely the check our insurance company sent for $18,000.00, which should've covered several monthly payments. We also filed a claim with the GAP company (kids, never buy a vehicle without GAP insurance) and we are waiting for them to process the claim and pay off our loan.
By July 22, which even in the worst case scenario should only be 7 days after the next due date, we received multiple letters from this Credit Union. First "Past Due" notice, 2nd "Past Due" notice, FINAL "Past Due" notice, 3 separate demands for insurance and a 4th demand for insurance threatening to charge us a ridiculous amount for not having insurance on the vehicle, plus a fee because they will purchase the insurance for us.
My husband called them numerous times letting them know it's impossible to purchase insurance for a total loss vehicle that we don't even own any longer. He also let them know the GAP company is currently processing the claim and a check will be mailed to the Credit Union once the claim is completed and closed by the GAP company. He was told every time that they "will notate the account" and not worry about the letter he just received. These letters arrive every other day!!! He calls every other day and the agent has "no record" of him calling before. They were quick to report to the credit bureaus and damage his credit, even after their agent admitted that the letters were unreasonable and contained impossible demands.
Now lets say, for the sake of argument, that even though they received a "nice" check, they still require us to make regular monthly payments. In our case, I believe, they should've made an exception, because we did in fact purchase GAP insurance which will cover the remaining balance and they were aware of this, even if they miss that detail, they were informed about it multiple times over the phone. I would still incline to try to understand them, maybe their policy doesn't allow any exceptions, but they could've applied they amount received to at least 2 monthly payments to allow processing time for the GAP company. Even if this is all "impossible", the frequency of the demand letters is ridiculously unreasonable. Also, the demand for insurance on a total loss vehicle and them threatening to fine us and purchase insurance for this vehicle themselves is something I cannot comprehend, no matter how hard I try and how I look at it.
Everything that happened was out of our control. The collision was no fault of my husband, the insurance and and GAP insurance companies processing time is something we can't control and the fact that it's impossible to purchase new insurance for a totaled vehicle that we no longer own is just how things work, there isn't anything we could do about it.
In any case, if you listen to reason, you will avoid this credit union at all cost and save yourself the headache and trouble that we have to go through. Learn from our mistake and never finance your vehicle through Mobility Credit Union!


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