Sarah Soltis

4 years ago

Pregnancy Story: I was having contractions for abo...

Pregnancy Story: I was having contractions for about 12 hours when I went in to the hospital. I had called ahead of time because my contractions were 3 min long, every 5 min, for an hour. They told me to go in. I went in and the person who "checked me." told me to go home and come back when my contractions were 1 min, not 3min. I went home and an hour later collapsed on the kitchen floor from pain. My hubby immediately took me back. When I got there another lady "checked me" and tried to send me home bc I wasn't dilated enough. She "couldn't find my cervix." I said I wasn't going home and demanded to see a doctor. He came in and checked me and said I was 8cm dilated! Thank goodness I didn't go home again, even though an hour earlier I shouldn't have been sent home either. If you can't find someone's cervix, ask for someone else to check don't just send someone home. And my contractions always lasted 3min, they were never a minute. so the fact that they abide by that rule is ridiculous. I had been having contractions since 7am and finally got in a room around 9pm. Super disappointed bc my son's heart rate had plummeted and had i been monitored sooner this would have been caught. he had to be vacuumed out immediately, no time for c-section, and the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. Just ridiculous, my son almost didn't make it bc of their ignorance. He could have had much better care a lot sooner. I would have sued their butts off had something happened to my son and I was turned away not once, but twice! Needless to say I'll be heading to Seattle when baby #2 is due this Nov.


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