3 years ago

Galatasaray Lisesi High School is an Ottoman high ...

Galatasaray Lisesi High School is an Ottoman high school located in Istanbul, considered the most famous high school in Turkey.
The secondary school language is Turkish and French. It is the oldest second Turkish educational institution after Istanbul University which was founded in 1453 AD.
The high school is considered one of the oldest high schools in Turkey, as it was established by the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid II in 1481AD.

The story of its creation
Sultan Bayezid II was often roaming the city, disguised as an ordinary citizen. On one occasion, he found a garden near the Galata site, full of beautiful red and yellow flowers.

Gul Baba told the Sultan that he would be proud to be in that position and become a teacher in this school in order to create a valuable new generation for the empire.

The school was closed and transferred to the College of Medicine in 1830 AD.

The mistake of the imperial school palace remained open until the 1830s CE, and when the reform and reorganization of the army began, everything related to the old Ottoman Empire was abolished by a french of Sultan Mahmoud II, and the imperial school was replaced by the Ottoman Medical School.
A large number of French professors were employed in most of the courses taught in French. And the mistake of cutting the "medical school" for about thirty years.

Galatasaray reopened during the reign of Abdel Aziz I.

Sultan Abdulaziz was the first Ottoman Sultan to travel to Europe. At the invitation of Napoleon III, in 1867 the months of June and July attended the World Expo in Paris.
Then he visited Queen Victoria in London, then Wilhelm I in Prussia and then Franz Joseph I in Vienna.
Sultan Abdul Aziz was impressed by the French educational system during his visit, and upon his return to Istanbul he announced the General Education Decree that established a free compulsory education system for all children up to the age of twelve.
In September 1868, influenced by the school model of French Lycee, he established a school under the name "Imperial Ottoman Lycee de Galatasaray," (Galatasaray Mektebi Sultani).

French was the main language of instruction, and many teachers were European. The students included members of all religious and ethnic communities of the Ottoman Empire.
Many students who attended schools during this 55-year period became eminent statesmen, teachers, bureaucrats or writers in the nation-states that were part of the Ottoman Empire.
Some served even with the first statesmen of the newly established countries in Greece, Bulgaria, and Serbia.

This school had the great effect in spreading Western thought and graduating students who became officials and diplomats at the end of the Ottoman Empire and the situation continued in the modern Turkish state after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire

The Turkish "Lycee de Galatasaray" had its contributions to the westernization of the "East" and came to serve as a "window to the West". Which was undoubtedly one of the reasons for the collapse of the Ottoman Empire from within !!!

A sports team, also called Galatasaray, was established and is affiliated to this school in 1905.

Outstanding students graduated from this school, including two great walls at the end of the Ottoman Empire, and two prime ministers of Turkey.


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