Mark Pace

3 years ago

I bought my house through Century 21 in 2007. It ...

I bought my house through Century 21 in 2007. It was an absolute amazing process couldn't ask for better first home buying experience. Then in 2009 I started renting my house out with Century 21 based on the rapport that was built in 2007. However I was matched with DARA COOK a property manager. The first year she did well then quickly put my concerns and my property on the back burner of everything. Trying to rip my off anyway she could what felt like to make money for her friends when repairs arose. I have AHS home warranty and I instructed them to use it instead of calling just anyone to do my repairs. Needless to say she tried her best to avoid using them. I had to call AHS and give her permission to call in on my behalf to make claims when repairs needed to be taken care of. However numerous times DARA and her assistants would call me and tell me that so and so had already fixed the issue without using my home warranty that I had instructed them to use. Then she began lying about not being able to call them or get a hold of AHS so she had to use one of her hand picked minions to do the repair. I began researching when she called or attempted to make a claim on my behalf. Amazingly AHS logs everything whether it is a phone call or and internet claim attempt or just a simple contact from someone on that account. After providing this information to DARA she instructed me that she must have used the old account number. So I went back and check my old account number the exact same way and nothing... no call and not internet contact from DARA COOK. However she was able to contact her repair buddies and get them to come out and charge me their crazy prices for the repair. So I called her back and informed her that neither account was used. She said we she don't know what happened b/c she did call and they were wrong. Good try DARA but epic failure to take responsibility for you wrong doings. Then when I decided to remove my house in December of 2013 I received my final inspection and promised all the issues would be fixed immediately. It is now February 18, 2013 not one thing has been replaced or fixed however conveniently I found out today her repair GURU was paid in December for fixing/replacing the issues in my home. So I went in yesterday and asked to speak with someone besides DARA and whom do they give me the pleasure of speaking with... good ole DARA COOK. She for whatever reason couldn't understand why I was so upset. Maybe just maybe it was because you absolutely take no pride in your job and other peoples property. You try to help out your repair minions by giving them work while screwing over your property owner. She didn't know what needed to be fixed or replaced and being the property manager whether you do the job yourself or have your assistance do it you should keep track of what is done and not done. I am not saying you have to remember everything but have it readily accessible via hard copies, soft copies, or somehting. Basically do your freaking job and quit blaming everyone and everything else for you slacking work ethic.

I wouldn't recommend DARA COOK to anyone as a property manager she is a crook and habitual manipulator. She cares nothing about you or your property. All she cares about is her and her repair buddies bank account. Being this is the first review I have ever written on anyone or anything I will make it my goal to find every website I can review for DARA COOK and ensure no one else is screwed around like I have been.


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