Yadhi Vargas

4 years ago


I have had several family members who have traveled through this airport and every time they go their employees steal things. And I say steal because they say "it is not allowed" but well and they put it on their side and take them as if nothing, attentive to the sweat of those who go on vacation to their land they and your employees invent rules that do not they are and they are ridiculous because in the airports here in the United States they let you in because you want to take them there.

Not only do they want to treat people like they are dogs and not human beings when they are the same. But that if when you do not want to give what is yours because they want to take it off they tell you that you have to pay like nothing.

You have to know who you hire and how you treat those who arrive and leave because, after all, you eat thanks to all of us.

And if the way I speak is wrong, it is not just to say it, it is because I have proof that they are like that and several people who have gone there as much or more than me.

So please stop acting that way and put the real rules and protocols of every airport and not those that you want to invent.


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