Marcelo Lopez Altamirano

3 years ago

This company gives support to Fitness Connection G...

This company gives support to Fitness Connection Gym's so a Review of them is relevant here.

Personal information in Fitness Connection gyms are not secured! Any employee can pull them out and do whatever they please with it. Name, Address, Phone Number, Email and even Bank Accounts/Card Information.

If this Company Jonas Fitness is a Managing service operator for Fitness Connection then their not doing enough to safeguard their user/customers.

My account was fraudulently re-opened by someone in the Gym, No one has access to accounts other than employees, so I am assuming it was an employee. It was brought to my attention that my account was re-opened because they call me to collect a balance. Someone had utilize my information that was in the system and inputed someone's bank account/Credit card and had utilize it for more than a year and half.

The way they keep control of members is with a picture, right?
Well someone had been going to the gym, and had been granted access with my picture as their ID.

How was this allowed for more than a year!

This just proves that the information Jonas Fitness/Fitness Connection have is not safeguarded properly. Anyone can freely access it. If it happen to me, How many more cases like mine are out there?

Who ever is responsible of keeping information private and safely, please do something about it.

And YOU Gym member, keep an eye on the information you provide, as their is no guarantee it's safe with them.


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