
laura hughes

4 years ago

We started working with Vanderbilt in March or Apr...

We started working with Vanderbilt in March or April of this year thinking that we were going to purchase a home with them. We found a home that was a foreclosure property that had two separate single wides on the same lot. So we started the loan process as you normally would and slowly we started to understand just how much they really didn t know about the process. The first month was rough because it was a special situation of two homes on one property with separate address, (they agreed on a price and a interest rate prior to the issue you re about to read) they give us a call one day about half way into month 1 and explain to us that they are willing to do the financing but they wanted more for down payment and more on interest, we were obviously not okay with that considering our interest rate was outrageous to begin with, not to mention already agreed apon . So me and my mother in law spoke with them about how unfair it was for them to do that because they didn t know that the property they literally owned had two separate houses on it that couldn t be sold as one. That was frustration one of a million really. They wouldn t call to tell us what we needed to get in, they wouldn t take our calls, and they wouldn t help us with any questions we had. When we finally did get them on the phone they would tell us that they would call us right back with an answer and never did. So that drew our process out longer. Finally we got past the initial paperwork and it was time for electrical inspections, appraisals, etc. I get a phone call at 7am asking if I can go let the inspectors into the house, no problem, they were there to do what we needed. My husband texts me and tells me that it wasn t the inspection that they were there for it was the appraisal. So when I call Vanderbilt nobody knows why they contacted me or why they were even there that day. They knew nothing. So then we ask about the electrical inspection that was supposed to be done (the power to one of houses wasn t on. We were going on month two of asking them to get it taken care of) and they tell us that they don t yet even have the title to that home! How on earth do you put a house up for sale but you don t even have the title So then they have to go to court and here we are at month 3. Still no power, still no real organization. I had to constantly call them to keep them on task. Hey I ve been trying to reach you all day, can we get this done let me talk with this person and give you a call back two days later I call again and get voicemail. Finally we are on month 4 I believe and we finally have the power on and we are excited. So then they hit us with. Hey we were supposed to have these papers in that I never asked you for, how quick can You get them. So it took time for that as well as other things that needed to be done. So we are entering month 5. Finally everything is done we close in 2 weeks, awesome we are extremely excited and ready to move in to the home we have been waiting for for 5 months. And we get a call 2 weeks before we close yes uhm well. The two homes share a septic tank so we can t do it, sorry we were unaware that it was the case HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW. ITS YOUR HOUSE, and so there we were with 5 months of literally pulling teeth to get out home and nothing to show for it. I can t even begin to describe the amount of unprofessionalism that we received, not to mention the amount of time that had been waisted. It s a shame really. I can t tell you how many people throughout the process asked us questions because they either hadn t looked at the property at all or just didn t bother to know what they needed to. I would never do business with them again.


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