R'Maya Givens

3 years ago



Please read the negative reviews they are true. (Even in Ava Adams review they lied, claim to not know her then went in detail of they knew each other)

Try to support black companies and they are just as corrupt.

I failed to pay my car note, (my fault) so they repossessed the car. (forced into a repo) I couldn t work or do my job because the car I bought from them stopped working. (Their fault) In fact it was rigged with tape and tissue, wires exposed, anti theft piece missing from the vehicle, as well as receiving a duplicate of the the key and not original key. All of these issues were hidden under the dashboard. (Scam) Who checks under the dashboard when in search for a vehicle? (you typically check under the hood) I went into the dealership to inform that the vehicle was sold in a faulty condition. I was told the car wasn t sold that way (by Drew). Randy became unprofessional, belligerent, and irate. At first he was the perfect sales man: seemed honest and seemed to care. A COMPLETE LIE. I understand that failure to pay results in repossession of the vehicle (missed one payment btw). My job requires me to have a vehicle. In order to work I have to drive my own vehicle, cannot use public transportation. I have clients. If I cant pick up those clients, I cannot make money. (Hence the reason for rushing to buy a car) I would have NEVER bought the car had I known that it would stop working within 2 months of purchasing the vehicle. I also would not have bought a car with the company had I known they would keep my money for a car they knew was bad. Randy even stated he knew the vehicle was rigged with tissue and tape after the fact that I bought the car. He disclosed this information when I went in to see what the company could do to resolve the issue of being sold a faulty car. Drew even became unprofessional. (They were already unprofessional, by trying to flirt with me. I ignored it)I wish I could upload the photos of the car. Such a horrible experience. Now I have to be drained with a legal battle. CAN YOU SAY LAWYERED UP? Not to mention spend more money out on a car.

Oh FYI, I called and told them the payment would be behind due to the car not working. Obviously that held no weight to them. They got my money and will resale that car. Even Randy said though the car was rigged it s not a bad car, a bad car won t start like the ones in the back . I bought a 2009 grey Nissan Altima. The piece that s missing out the car cost $400. That s not including labor. See the dilemma.


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