4 years ago

On july 1st i had to surrender my dog lucas bec wh...

On july 1st i had to surrender my dog lucas bec where i was moving to didnt allow dogs and i couldnt find any1 to take him in. I went home and quickly realized that i couldnt live without my buddy so i decided to approach this another way. I then called everyday to see if he was adopted so i can know when to stop searching for somewhere for us to all move in together cause before i wasnt aware that they didnt want dogs until the day before moving anyways everyday they said he was doin ok and no he hasnt been adopted as yet........ OK so on the 5th i went to visit lucas until closing cause on the 4th i couldnt call him due to forth of july. When it was time to leave i started crying so the lady said yu know he has a great chance of being adopted by this weekend bec he is only 1 year old and he is a small dog..... so i said "ok im tryin my best" so on the 6th i called and said i got somewhere and i have all $54 to get him back i said see yu tomorrow (7th) she said OOHHH im off tomorrow so i said thank yu and hang up so that friday as i got my hopes up my son father walked thru the doors and said bae i dont know how to tell yu this but i got a phone call at work saying LUCAS is ADOTED and was picked up yesterday (6th) i fell to the grown in disbelieve when i calmed down i called and they said its in the system he was adopted on the 3rd so why when i went to visit him like all the other dogs it didnt say he was adoted why when i call faitfully everyday no1 said this even when they pull him up in the system so i said they cant do that its unfair and unlawful i said can yu call and see if i can get him back they said we already called once so i said can u call again the lady said we try to call only 3 times let me talk to the director i said in my head OK well yall only called once so i said aloud can yu call again or do i have to take it in my own hands she said go ahead and take it in yur hands..... SMH now ive been cry everyday for my dog but yet some people's lives continues. MY NAME IS ABIGAIL MAHARAJ & MY DOG IS LUCAS (jack russel mixed) and i am very ANGRYYYYYYYY....................... If u think/know u re the current owner of lucas please feel free to reach me on fb @ Abby Wabby i live in maple shade


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