Scott Lewis

3 years ago


The pastor promises to meet with you then never shows, calls or appologizes. He is surrounded by an army of followers that will not let you near his royal highness and he won't return your calls though you are promised over and over again. The people are wonderful but I came to testify on their prayer saving my life with 2 open heart surgeries, a coma and then later a split aorta. God saved me and I wanted to let them know. He had no interest in me testifying...even his own people were astounded.. namely joseph and joseph that I talked too along with other followers, he was too busy with his show trying to get his ratings up. Now I know why so many left the church. It is the pastor not the glorious, loving people. Don't waste your time. He's a phony. He even told my friends he was visiting me in the hospital and he never showed up. I don't feel the spirit when I'm around him. I see yet another TV evangelist wanna be. Jim Jones much? Be careful! This is a business to him as far as I can see. He should go into politics. He would fit in nicely.


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