Donna Conwell

4 years ago

My mother entered the emergency room of this hospi...

My mother entered the emergency room of this hospital. She was not well and in order to find out what was wrong with my mother her blood was taken, her urine and other vitals. Every test came back negative. My mother continued to be unresponsive and sick. They admitted my mother and after 3 days their social, worker started calling and made requests for her to leave.

When my mother went back to the nursing home they found a bed sore on her backside. After being unresponsive for several days they sent my mother to St. Luke's hospital that discovered my mother had a urinaty tract infection. They treated her with antibiotics for a week and kept her hydrated with fluids.

How is it that they ran every test imaginable at Columbia Presbyterian but they missed this. When I visited my mother while she was in Columbia Presbyterian her face was not clean. I asked my mother about her face. She told me they did not wash her up... The nurse lied and said he did. He tried to tell me my mother did not.know what she was talking about. I told him she did not have Alzheimer's or dementia.

I told him I would do it. St. Luke - Mt. Sinai has done a wonderful job with my mother. Their staff has been compassionate and patient.

At Columbia Presbyterian I found the emergency room staff to be kind and understanding but once my mother was admitted she was treated poorly. The doctor on call that morning after her arrival had a good bedside manner.

Columbia Presbyterians ranked #1 in New York for the past 17 years. They may be great in some areas... But dealing with sick old black ladies is not one of them!


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