Nicole M Leverment

3 years ago

Where do I start, without bursting into tears i ha...

Where do I start, without bursting into tears i have lesions on my brain on my kidneys and on my face as part of a condition called tuberoscleosis, which i.ve had my whole life, it was discovered recently that I have an extra tube on my left kidney to cope with the lesions. it's disheartening when people are rude and make disparaging remarks, when they don't know all the facts or don't even bother to get to know u personally, they judge u on something small even though u.ve spent ur whole life having surgery to remove the worst of them.
there's nothing worse than bursting into tears when u arrive at work. For any reason weather it be a death of a family member or other reasons
The voice on the other end of the phone knows what to say and are always willing just to let u talk. i.ve got alot of respect for them because if it wasn't for the voice on the other end of the phone one of my colleagues from a previous job wouldn't be here today.
She was bullied by a store manager and an assistant manager for having better people skills than they did.
They do a fantastic job, i.m sure it's not an easy one but it's one I have alot of respect for them and always will

However the online crisis line 7-midnight needs work. People in crisis don't always think rationally and there friends can see this.
All they want is someone to listen not to judge them for borrowing a friend's phone.

That's a kind act on there friends part, i.ve had several friends do this one even borrowed mine cos there phone was flat no big deal. It's not an offence to do it nor is it an appropriate question to ask, the number maybe the same but the person in need just wants to talk.


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