Joe Serkoch

4 years ago



This company uses scare tactics to get you to make unnecessary, costly repairs. Three "routine maintenance calls" resulted in them leaving with equipment not working as it did before they arrived. Just last week, they tried telling me that a replacement part I needed was not under warranty when it clearly still had a year left.

Overpriced. Unprofessional. Unacceptable.

I reported them to Honeywell about the dishonestly regarding the warranty.

FOLLOWUP: I just had another company come and look ay my humidifier and IT WAS UNPLUGGED FROM THE FURNACE. So... Boehmer was going to try and charge me over $250 to replace parts when all it needed was to be plugged back into the board. It was unplugged by their service tech on their first visit and they couldn't even figure it out.

STAY AWAY! We've giving this company god knows how much unnecessary money over the years. NEVER AGAIN!


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