Nerine Bouaoun

3 years ago

GO TO ANOTHER HOSPITAL!!! On Sunday, February 25t...

GO TO ANOTHER HOSPITAL!!! On Sunday, February 25th, I was digging a hole in our barnyard. The soil was soft and the whole was about a foot deep and a foot wide. As I was digging, I felt a "pop" on my right side. I am old with major physical issues, but I am also very determined! The pain continued to worsen until two days later on Tuesday afternoon when I could not tolerate it. (Note: I am on two prescription pain relievers for my severe physical condition and will be the rest of my life. They are not opioids. I refuse to take opioids! Tuesday evening about 5:00 p.m., I drove myself to the emergency room at St. Anthony's as I could not drive any further due to the excruciating pain. I pulled up at the Emergency Room doors with the intention of going on to the parking lot. Two cars were parked side by side at the entrance, preventing me from continuing. There were also several police cars. Apparently, a few minutes before I arrived, there was a shooting. The police tape was around the nearby parking lot, but not at the entrance. I sat in my car for about thirty minutes before a man from Valet parking backed my vehicle to the point he could drive to the parking lot. The emergency room was full! When I checked in, they did not ask for my Medicare nor my primary physician's name! I was in too much agony to even realize they hadn't asked for these. Most of the people waiting in the emergency room sure didn't act like they needed to be there...loud talking, constant ringing of cell phones, loud laughing, etc. There should be signs in the emergency room telling people to be quiet! Those who are really sick or in great pain need the others to shut up!!! I asked for and got a blanket since my teeth were chattering and I was so cold due to the pain. I covered my head with it to also help drown out the constant loud talking which includes the staff there! As I was waiting, a man came in with one hand in his jacket pocket. He sat down and kept his hand in his pocket. He constantly looked around in a nervous way. As they say, "I had a check in my spirit," and felt this was not a normal situation. I felt very leery. After about 20 minutes, I went to Security. They were also concerned and approached him. He told them he wanted a bus schedule! WHAT? I think he was up to no good, and when Security approached him, he came up with an excuse. The ONLY staff in the Emergency Room area that did their job was the Security force!!! They escorted the man out. Finally, about 10:00 p.m., X-rays were taken of my ribs. I waited two more hours and still nothing was done. The X-rays had not been read. AT this point, a lady was brought in who obviously had some dementia. She was begging to have a bed, then finally laid down on the floor. She was told she could not do that! Then the person who told her said, "Watch the news, you will see why we have no beds!" Again, "WHAT?" There was no high level triage going on, so what did this person mean? I later asked at the desk that was going on and received a curt reply," I can't tell you that!!!" About that time, an elderly gentleman asked when he would be seen. The poor man could not see to drive, his son had dropped him off at the Emergency Room. Bless his heart, he said, "I need to get home soon. My wife has severe Alzheimer's, my son will have to pick me up, and he has to be at work at 7:00 a.m." I asked him how long he had been waiting and he said for 7 hours!!!! I asked the desk if my X-rays could be sent to my primary care physician, and was told "Most likely not!" I could not take it any more! I left and went home. This morning I called my Primary Care Physician and they called St.Anthony's and did, indeed, get the X-rays. My right 9th rib is fractured! I drove myself to the hospital because I didn't want any of my family members to take their time since they all have jobs to go to. The next time, I will have one of them drive me PAST St. Anthony's to another hospital!


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