Jaime Primous

3 years ago



Where to begin;

1. Called prior to arriving to confirm reservation (booked by third party) and ask a few questions for our 3 day stay.
Asked about cost for additional resort fees, incidental charges and available amenities because I would be booking more than one room. Asked if I could use my credit card for incidentals and pay cash for my stay, Was told yes and incidental charge was $100 per room; but found out upon arrival that was $100 per room, per night...

2. Our flight was delayed and we arrived to the hotel well after 12 am, first room was given had no lock on balcony door and could only be locked with a key from the outside (weird) which was a bit uncomfortable. Called front desk and they sent 3 gentlemen to confirm what I was saying.... asked to change rooms and was told I would receive a $50 credit to each room. (Didn t happen by the way)

Changed rooms, by this time it s about 2 am... so the second room given had holes in the curtains, to the point that s the first thing seen upon walking in. By this time, my husband and I just want to sleep... I go back and forth with whether it s even worth it to go back downstairs.. end result, I do. I m told this isn t the resorts standard, I can change rooms tonight or in the morning. I opted for the morning, I was assured the front desk would be made aware and the room would be ready when I came down (that didn t happen). I was again give a $75 credit for each room (on top of the $50 credit) which I didn t receive .

3. Stayed in the room with the curtain holes, fast forward to checking out. Stopped at front desk, turned in my keys with no issues until I arrived at home and saw charges on my credit card for rooms I paid cash for, and 3 additional charges. Assumed it was a simple misunderstanding, called to straighten it out; in the mean time was told there s an additional balance for $400 in the hotel restaurant (not in room dining, but in the restaurant that I nor anyone in my party stepped foot in) at a time and date we were all at a concert at the Blue Note. I ve requested copies of receipts etc. since Monday, with nothing received.

Spoke to another manager last night who oversees all 3 resorts, who seems to be genuinely trying to help. Was assured by him my account was settled with a $0 balance, that the even dollar charge at the restaurant with no receipt seemed fishy, yet woke up this morning to two additional charges. Where it stands now, I have 6 random dollar amount charges to my card totaling over $2300 and have been provided NOTHING to validate them.

My husband and I ordered in room dining that totaled $259 collectively over the 3 days, the other couple with us had in room dining as well which totaled $80, with our room credit we should have been charged around $135.

That s not even including the little nuisances like my husband having to call the front desk/ housekeeping 3 times for towels and waiting I ve 1.5 hrs before receiving them, waiting well beyond an hour for room service...

Planned for a romantic, relaxing weekend and the only good parts of our trip were outside of this resort.

I will update if things are corrected with the credit card charges.


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