1 year ago

Crime certainly pays with Longhurst

I moved into one of their flats in Derby 2021 during the December lockdown. By far one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made in my 37 years of life.

Endured weeks of thumping loud music from my next door 'neighbour' who was also doing drugs and allowing the flat to be used by other drug users. Eventually, having received no support whatsoever from Longhurst in resolving this, I had to 'talk' to him myself. The music used to scare my dog as well, causing her to jump off the bed and pace up and down. It honestly made everything inside my flat vibrate, you could actually feel it as well as hear it.

Then my upstairs 'neighbour' decided to use his flat to house a large number of cannabis plants, which were eventually raided by police. During this time I had to endure repeated, very aggressive approaches by one of the gang members, who did not live there. This was following a huge water leak which flooded my bathroom, kitchen and hallway store cupboard. I received no apology from Longhurst for this, and nobody even came out to look at it. Even following the police raid, the 'tenant' was allowed to return to the flat and resume 'living there', even though the electricity had been cut off by the power distributor following the discovery of a very serious act of meter tampering, which they told me was a 'risk to life' when they had to come out and dig the concrete right outside my door at gone 10pm at night.

At no time during this tenancy did I receive a shred of help from Longhurst.

The best moment was when I found somewhere else and gave them the keys back, that was the best feeling ever.

Don't rent from these, you will regret it.


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