Review of WH Smith Paris

3 years ago

Current Notice:

Current Notice:
The tea room space is a bit too quirky for my taste. It sorely lacks a British spirit for the decoration. I don't travel! I had come for this. Isn't it the concept of a restaurant (tea room ...) of foreign origin to make travel to the said country?
The iced tea was divine,
cakes too.
On this point, it deserves the trip precisely.
Especially since you may well be of a different opinion from mine as to the place. :-)

Previous notice:
It is very clearly disappointing. One bank holiday on May 10, my friend and I were happy to go and test the quality of their tea room. Selected cookies and British teas, the assurance of a good time, we thought. Not at all. Huge disappointment.

The tea room is a hidden space at the end of the 1st floor, accessible only by bypassing the sales areas of this packed-items bookstore. It is more or less the obligation to pass as close as possible to the displays of pens etc.

And again, you have to look for the door that seems hidden, like Harry Potter when the wizards go to their boarding school, and have to change world, ie go from the world of common people to that of wizards, to access the station.

And there pshiiittt is the drama.
We find the door closed.
It's closed.
At the time, I did not pay attention to the reason given. However, I keep in mind that the explanation provided seemed ridiculous.
In short, no need to confirm at this stage that we were very disappointed.
An international bookstore, a stone's throw from the Louvre, the Jeu de Paume, the Orangery Museum, the Tuileries Garden, the Place de la Concorde ... closed on a public holiday?
What about the opinion of tourists, who may, for want of being English, be of another nationality, if only French!


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