Kaye Jachimski

4 years ago


"WHAT a VERY LUCKY FELINE HE HAS TURNED OUT TO BE" Date of Adoption: 8-10-2018. Type: Feline male stray Domestic short hair Tabby Cat. Age:Intake Date 7-19-18 located alone in Burlington City.NJ .He is eligible for Foster Care until his weight turns to 2 pounds .Retuned to BCAS on 8-7-18 for shots , Neutered @ micro chip device implant. HISTORY :Not many shelter animals have a history yet "Teddy Boy '' had been placed with a Foster Care Family, spending his early young life on Earth from being abandoned& taken to BCAS to a foster home with 2 parents to love him.They came walking into the young kitten room asking for Teddy Boy on 8-10-18 & were in time to say good bye to their young friend and being able to meet me while providing his likes & dislikes . How fortunate for all of us to meet in the best interest of a young kitten they named Teddy Boy. They enjoyed being Foster parents and saved the young lives of nearly 30 cats .The foster father made sure I knew how to hold the young cat the 1st of which he was not allergic to and told me the kitten doesn't answer to Teddy Boy or any name for that matter ! If i had another name in mind to go ahead and change it. When I first saw him he was napping sandwiched in between 2 young females on the top bench of a multi purpose cat scratcher for cats to use and play on out in the open.When I held him it was clear he was coached to react to humans he felt comfortable with knowing exactly how to win over their affections he liked back.He shoved his head through my hands as I sat down and buried it into my body as he used his sense of smell to get to know me. I rec'd a notification on Messenger TABBY kittens had just become avail that day & while it was after hours at 5:15 PM on 8-9 to come visit the BCAS after they reopened on 8/10/18 during the hours of 12-4 PM. Once I completed my APP & was approved to adopt I was escorted into the 1st room & went straight to the kitten I had watched from outside the viewing area knowing my cat had found its Forever Home ...Just thought you might like to see a few pics of Teddy Boy I have taken while having him for 10 days. I was at the 8-18-18 EMPTY the SHELTERS Event w/o finding a sibling for him to play with.
I will keep a check on this page when new kittens become available that are his age and size so he will always have a Forever Friend and Mommy in his life.....


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