Review of Duffells

3 years ago

Unbelievable. Ive been with them for 4 years now ...

Unbelievable. Ive been with them for 4 years now and oh my god the phone calls!!
Almost every single day theres a phone call.
It got so bad i started blocking there numbers but then they started using mobile numbers. So i now ive blocked those too.
Theyre utterly relentless. Theyve started leaving messages now on my home number. Every day is oh check this offer. Oh just seeing if you want another order. Oh would you like a van catalogue free?
Incedently which is something ive asked for many times but never actually recieved.
Its just a ploy to get you to call them back.
Im only a very small operation. Basically just me and myself on a part time basis and for someone who only orders occasionally these phone calls are an absolute pain in the neck and get very annoying.
I also use SKS occasionally too and how many times have they called me? Never. Not once.
So guess which company ive used for my 3 previous orders and which one i will use for my next order just out of shear spite? The company that takes my orders willingly when i need them or the company that constantly hounds me to make an order?

Ive ranted enough. Hopefully someone at duffells reads these and takes note.


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