4 years ago

The problem is that my stay or my stay in the hosp...

The problem is that my stay or my stay in the hospital depends only on the people I see there: So-and-so is extra or horrible. This is abnormal.

The politeness and patience required of the patient must be required by all staff. It is essential that the latter be trained - educated in short! - to receive and politely address each person. The rudeness, the physical abruptness (seen today, against 1 physically impaired person who was not fast enough), denigration, falsely contained violence, the argument of fatigue are unacceptable.

Training, always and again training. Less expensive, in money, but for some: it is even education that is needed. That the hierarchy, itself perfectly educated, hound the staff to reframe firmly with each failure: if it is necessary to pass by there ... The rigor exists well in hotel school, it existed during the time of the training (nurses ) by the cornets, so this is not infeasible. Otherwise, it is because we are satisfied with the present state of affairs. Why, then, do patients, such as "caregivers" or visitors ALL complain in such a LARGE proportion that people are rude, violent, ..?


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