Maletsatsi Mariti

4 years ago

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7 reviews | Active since Mar 2013

14 Oct 2020, 17:17
Horrible Property Management company
I am very displeased as an owner in one of the properties managed by this company. The hassle to get this company to fix things on the property they claim to be managing is just too much. I have been having issues with my electricity meter, it goes on and off at random times. This was brought up to the caretaker several times with no fix.

This issue has been going on since March, so it has been 7 months of this struggle. I have even stopped paying for the Levies to try and get this resolved, however this is also not helping.

I can't cook, watch tv or warm anything up in this house. I need this resolved ASAP.
We cannot call ourselves owners of a problematic property.

The inefficiencies and unprofessionalism of the Astrodon team are affecting my family's livelihood and I will not stand for that.


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