Mustafa Cesur
Review of Sabanci Holding

4 years ago

Sabanc Merkez Mosque's passwords

Sabanc Merkez Mosque's passwords

Sabanci Central Mosque, secrets in the architecture outside the distinction of being the largest mosque in Turkey and passwords carries.

Sabanc Merkez Mosque's passwords
Sabanci Central Mosque, secrets in the architecture outside the distinction of being the largest mosque in Turkey and passwords carries. For example, 4 of 6 minarets, 99 ar meters long was built. This length refers to 99 of God's names. In the minarets, 16 cheers represent 16 Turkish states that were founded before. The 5 normal domes in the mosque show the five conditions of Islam. The mosque 5, the courtyard of the fountain is entered with 3 monumental gates. The sum of these 8 symbolizes the gate of heaven. A total of 33 domes in two spaces, the rosary, the tahmid, indicate the individual repetition 33 times each. The main dome height is 54 meters and it is 54 meters and the main dome diameter is 32 meters. The main dome windows represent 40 recit prayer in one day. The 6 minarets in the mosque point to the 6 men of faith. 4 half-domes around the main dome are 4 great caliphs and 4 large books. There are 28 mirrored windows on a lower floor, 28 domes in the courtyard of the fountain, and 28 prophets. ADANA
SOURCE: Journal of Turkey


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