DSX, Inc -

4 years ago

Extremely unprofessional and not truthful at all. ...

Extremely unprofessional and not truthful at all. We were unsuccessful collecting $80.00 of detention at the shipper and were told that we will be paid. When we asked for detention Michael Leichenko gave us a biggest run around, told us that we are the worst carrier for asking for detention, that we are harassing him, he will send the revised rate sheet tomorrow, ATG does not need carriers, etc. This was the second time we experienced this type of carrier service. First time we placed them on our DNU list but their manager called apologizing. Two months later this incident happened. This company does not value carrier relationships. They are willing to lose carriers over 80.00 in detention fees.This is a truckers market. If you do not have to work with ATG, dont. There is better freight out there and better brokers. If you chose to work with them get detention paid immediately or pull your truck out after 2 hours. In two instances we were not able to get paid even though we e mailed and called on time to pre advise and got assurances that we will be compensated. In todays day and age of ELDs not getting paid on detention is not acceptable. And is seems to me that many other carriers got same experience we did. Reading down these reviews i would be embarrassed if this was my company.


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