Grey Flores

3 years ago

I have experienced both ends of the spectrum at th...

I have experienced both ends of the spectrum at this hospital. I have waited six months and had to jump through many hoops to even be seen by the podiatry clinic, but once seen, I have had great care from the podiatrist there. I have experienced ridiculous treatment from a gynecologist many years ago, who refused to provide me with an IUD because....I wasn't married to my boyfriend at the time and therefore prone to cheating. Yeah, you read that right. His "logic", apparently married people don't cheat. LOLS!!! I filed a complaint about that douche bag, but of course nothing was done. I had to pay out of pocket to get an IUD and when I told that doctor what Dr. Douche bag had told me, he couldn't believe it, he was speechless. As if marriage is a qualifying event for an IUD and being married means you are 100% faithful. I also have unique experience with this hospital because I did my practicum here as a Laboratory Science student. In the lab, I saw the majority of workers took pride in their jobs and the responsibility that came with it. I also saw a few lazy dirt bags that didn't care about anything but their paychecks. Those lazy few made the workload bigger for the hard workers, because of course the lab work must be done in a timely manner and done correctly. It is unfortunate that veterans have to get bad care, or no care at all. There are good people here that do care about veterans, but sometimes the few bad apples spoil the bunch.


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