
elle durnan

4 years ago



Me and my friend went in here yesterday for lunch. I was on my lunch break from work and it's right next door so it was handy. I we shouldn't really have gone here as we've been before and had terrible service but yesterday took the biscuit!!!
We arrived at 13.10 and sat down, no-one came near us so we waited 10 minutes before my friend had to go and ask the woman if we could order some drinks. She had a terrible attitude from the word go and reluctantly took our drinks order. We then ordered our food and by this time it was13.30. We waited and waited but no sign of our food and then another male member of staff came up and asked us if we wanted to order food!! We were slighly exasperated and said no, we'd ordered but no food had arrived. We never got an apology or an explanation, he just sort of said "oh, right" and walked off to do something else!!! At 13.55 we gave up, I had to get back to my work and there was still no sign of any food. We went up to the bar to pay for our cokes and it was Miss Attitude herself at the till. (Nadia was her name we later discovered when making an official complaint) she said "oh did you not get your food" my friend said "no we didn't and we have to go now back to work, we couldn't have waited any longer" to which she replied " well I suppose that's what happens when you come in at a busy lunch time!!!!!!!! We couldn't believe it! My friend then said "oh imagine coming into a restaurant for lunch at lunch time - how silly of us! To which she replied "oh you are a real pleasure to deal with you are" the cheek of her!!! We left here raging and starving!
I have never in all my life received such terrible service and been treated so badly by restaurant staff! I will never ever set foot in this place again!


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