Yanique Johnson

3 years ago

I went in with vomiting, loss of appetite, headach...

I went in with vomiting, loss of appetite, headaches, dizziness, diarrhea and other stomach issues, and not being able to breath. After 2 hours or so they tell me I have pneumonia. During those 2+ hours they gave me no fluids or meds. Nothing. I told them about the pain/pressure in my chest. At some point they administer a covid test and a chest screen. A bit later they doctor comes in to tell me that I have pneumonia but they are going to send me home. Tears are streaming down my face because of the chest pains in my chest and lack of oxygen. Every few minutes I get into coughing fits because of the irritation and shortness or breath which affects my breathing even more. I inform the nurse about whats going on and about my concerns about of having not being treated but instead sent home in this condition. The doctor comes back and says,, well I wrote you a prescription for a zpac but there isn't anything else I can do for you. Now I'm afraid because I feel I'm being sent home to die. I say something to the triage nurse who goes and gets the charge nurse. I was told her name is Kim. I have never spoken to any medical professional that rude in my life my! She asks, "well what is it that you're expected for us to do?" I explain how I was feeling and that I hadn't been treated for anything but instead being sent home. She says, well, thats the doctor and thats his treatment. I asked her why she was speaking to me in such a tone(very rude and harsh). She rolled her eyes and walked away. I am not a fragile person and I cried on my way out the door thinking that I'm going to stop breathing at home.

This is a very inconcompetent, rude and extremely unprofessional staff. I'm surprised that there are more discrimination and malpractice suits. No human being or animal should be subjected to the disrespect of your staff. Shut this place down!


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