Anna Po arova

3 years ago

When I came in with fever and very bad pains in wa...

When I came in with fever and very bad pains in waste area back and tomy I had to explain at least 7 doctors/consultants/students what's happened.
After sorting me out every single doctor/consultant state something diferent. Kept me from 3AM freezing suffer from temperature, nurses couldn't give any medicine as it's not prescribed and need to wait for Doctor to come. Doctor came 7AM when I almost dead with fever over 41c.One day they taking off fluids and wait when fever again hit 40c. To realise that probably I need something stronger.give me oral paracetamol after 3 h suffering from fever and it's don't helped.I had to suffer 4 more h to get proper iv paracetamol only one which helped to hit fever down for last 2 days. Next day when fever come back they again want give me oral paracetamol tablets! Only on my let's say loud under fever refuse they change to iv.Every day diferent plans- one day do scan and send home other day keep for 48 h-3th day for 7 days and next day says that may be you will be able to go today!
In ward where I spent so long 5 days, from all of them I have not seen cleaning ladies room at all! Only bin bags change.How it's possible!no sanitizer around toilet floors with dirty spots!no clean policy at all !! This part absolutely disgusting!!!
Staff- not all staff is nice but there is quite a lot nice people working. This is them tanks for 2 stars.
What I can tell, name of hospital tell the trough, you are treated like experiment and next doctors just guessing and playing trying to help and will help but you must undarstand that time till they figure out what's wrong with your helth you will need to suffer from whatever you suffering from...


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