
3 years ago

Before transferring to Swinburne I had a 3.86 GPA ...

Before transferring to Swinburne I had a 3.86 GPA (on 4 point scale). This was important to me, because I had been seeking work in the USA, and was also considering post-grad study in the States, where GPA is everything.
What I've since discovered is that Swinburne does not count your transfer credits (even if the prior study was at Swinburne) towards your GPA. They also run very difficult exams (weighing 40% +), which feel like they are designed to deflate students, rather than test their knowledge. I even had an exam where a multiple choice option was "I guess I should have studied harder". Not funny! The class average grade for that exam was 45%. The best average exam grade that I have seen since studying at Swinburne is 61%. Terrible.
Now that I've moved to the USA for work and am looking at post-grad study, my options are limited because my GPA at Swinburne fell to 2.9.
If post-grad study at a good school is important to you, reconsider your options before applying to Swinburne.


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