Peter Piltingsrud

4 years ago

Jose was very helpful and patient in accommodating...

Jose was very helpful and patient in accommodating my unreasonable demands regarding personal transportation. During a test drive, he kept telling me where to go, which I suspected was a kidnapping-for-ransom attempt (I did arrive, after all, in a 2004 Civic, which everyone knows is a marker of the elite), so I resisted and only made left turns. You can imagine my shame when Jose explained that he wanted me to see the blind spot camera in action! It was amazing, and we shared a good laugh over it.

After several failed talks and the threat of building a giant wall (I banged my shoe on the desk while yelling, Jose smiled politely and called me sir), we struck a reasonable deal that left Jose with my Civic and me with a tickertape parade showing off the finest in Japanese engineering, which my dog promptly vomited in upon arriving at home.

A+, would experience again.


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