Review of CIDJ

3 years ago

No listening from the counselor who received my so...

No listening from the counselor who received my son and me on August 26, 2017 around 2 p.m.
How to respond to our request if we don't listen to it. We had to listen to her.
She took us high from the reception even before we were in the box.
Then she asked me to go out because "here we work like this, we receive the young person first, then his parents" Weird other counselors have received young and parent at the same time .....
Advice given to my son "change high school to get better grades", the level of the one in which he studies being quite good ....
My son wishing to know which university to turn to with regard to his very defined and very specific professional project (zoologist): answer: all the universities are equal ..... We will have to inform them as well as the employers ... .
The interview ended with the delivery of three binders containing cards with the recommendation of photographing cards and then doing research on the internet .... Thank you we had already done !!

Without prejudging the competence of the other advisers and in the age of the Internet, it seems urgent to me to review the mode of operation of this center.


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