Jason Yorke

4 years ago

I visited the Molly Pitcher Inn back in October to...

I visited the Molly Pitcher Inn back in October to see if I wanted to use it as a place to stay during my wedding weekend. When I entered the Inn, I fell in love with the look of the lobby. I thought with a lobby and bar as nice as they were, I could get a beautiful room. There was a wedding going on at the time in their hall, so I was pleased to know others chose the Inn regularly. I filled out the paper work with the front desk to be contacted by the Inn's wedding planners and received no word. I called two weeks later thinking maybe they were busy or lost the paperwork and was told by the front desk that they were with a client and would call me back. I received no calls back. I called again at the end of October about setting up a block of rooms for my friends and family during the wedding weekend in August and was told they were fully booked, yet family members were still able to book rooms after we sent our invitations in May! I was able to book a room for myself and my bride to be online which I greatly regret. I feel that if I had spoken to someone on the phone, MAYBE they would have set me up with a nicer room, but because of the lack of reaching out on their part, I decided to book online. I expected to dish out some cash for a nice place for the weekend (after all, how many wedding weekends do you get!?) and ended up paying over $500 for 2 nights. Which would have been fine, except... I was sad to see it wasn't a very good room for the price I was paying! I've stayed at motels for twice as long that were nicer rooms and a quarter of the price. The lobby gave a false sense of what the rooms would be like. The wallpaper in the room was peeling, the shower pressure was close to non existent, the sliding mirror-glass closet door broke off of it's track due to a loose screw, which caused the glass to crack. But the worst part was the spiders! I'm a 33 year old man and yes, I'm scared of spiders. Everybody has a phobia. Mine is spiders. I had to kill three. One I could forgive. Two would be a coincidence. But THREE!? When I told the front desk during checkout, they attributed it to being a very old building. Sure it's an old building, but call an exterminator! (To be fair, the bed was really comfortable. I have to give them that. The bed was nice). Although the lobby and the view were beautiful, the room we were given wasn't worth the price. If you choose the Molly Pitcher Inn, book over the phone and request a nicer room. Preferably on a floor accessible by Elevator. (We had to walk down three flights of stairs to get to our rooms as there was no elevator on one side of the building.) One last thing: I don't write reviews. This is a first for me. It bugged me (pun intended) so much that I felt the need to leave a review.


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