Monica Clay

3 years ago

I tried to work through the pain, while on a bad p...

I tried to work through the pain, while on a bad prescribed drug, as my doctor suggested. My symptoms grew worse by the time I reached the federal buildings. Personnel saw me struggling, and sat with me, until an ambulance arrived. Once I was placed off the gurney, onto a hospital bed, I was left there. When the nurse returned, I explained that I was in excruciating pain.I needed to use the restroom, but the pain in my chest, and lower back, at that time was preventing me from being able to move. She left the room, for an even longer period. Once she returned, I had soiled myself, again. Another nurse was with her, when she returned. They had aquired a wheelchair. When they attempted to get me from the bed, to the wheelchair, they dropped me on the floor. They became frustrated with me, because I was crying. And, angry because I was in additional pain when they dropped me. Another nurse came in to assist them. They made comments about my fresh aroma, and something about how I reminded one of them of fresh cherry blossoms. I was rolled to the front door, and sat on the ground, in front of the hospital. I asked where a bus stop was, and was told I was at it. I recall making my way towards the door, and the security guard charged towards me as if to strike. I just wanted to use a phone, to have one of my children come get me. I did not know the area, I walked, I was still delusional, because of the medication, and I was hurting. I was afraid if I sat too long, I would freeze to death. I made my way back downtown, to my car. As I was driving to the V.A. hospital, the pain became unbearable. As to not cause an accident, I pulled into the Fern Bank. I was delusional, hallucinating, and struggling to hold on. But, I was able to associate the fact that my Mother briefly worked at the White House during the Carter Administration. I would either be able to pull myself together there, when the pain subsided, die on peace, and pain, or be helped. All I could tell the guard is that I was hurting, before my voice went out, again. I was taken to Grady Memorial. I heard the rumors about it being the worst hospital in the area. I didn't see it as so. There was an extremely long wait, in the Emergency Room, for me, it allowed a little for my pain to subside, and my voice to clear up. I was able to tell the nurse about my medications, my recent contact with mold, and being dropped at the other hospital. At that time, I did not know about side effects of the medication, or that an allergy I had to mold exasprating my symptoms. After the test, I was allowed to bathe, given a set of clothing, and a staff member contacted my son. Given the amount of people waiting for assistance, I was very satisfied with the care rendered. There were no other patients at Atlanta Medical Center, because I did not look, or smell my best, but I had my medical information. And, I would have understood a referral/transport to a mental health facility. Most doctors mis diagnose my symptoms as psychological, anyway, when they have no other ideas about an underlying cause. Anything, other than inflicting more pain, and dumping me on the street, just a phone call...Further still, I unfortunately had to return to the mold infested dwelling. And, taking the same medication. While transporting my belongings to my new dwelling, I again was overcome by excruciating pain, my mind started playing tricks on me again, the traffic was too fast. As a precaution, I pulled into Burger King. I did not wish to get into an accident, I did not want to hurt anyone. I did not get out of the car, because I could not, under my own power. I recall speaking to the young lady at the drive thru, when she told me nobody would bother me, if I parked iut of the way. Because I was unable to function, my voice was out, and the doctor at Southern Regional hospital, without an exam, said I looked fine to him. I was charged with criminal trespassing, and whatever else. 3 months in jail. Prescribed halderol? and benedryl. 12 mos house arrest in mold infested quarters Cymbalta and Black Mold


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