Thai-Hoa Su

3 years ago

Because of Dr. Sharara and VCRM, I am now 15 weeks...

Because of Dr. Sharara and VCRM, I am now 15 weeks pregnant and doing great!!

I have always suffered from irregular periods that were anywhere from 30 to 70+ days apart. After a year of trying on our own with no luck, we first sought medical help at a different larger fertility clinic. There, I felt frustrated by their wishy-washy and vague communication-style. I never felt like we got clear answers. Needless to say, our treatment there was unsuccessful. Frustrated with their service, we decided to move on and consult with Dr. Sharara upon recommendation by a coworker.

Our experience with Dr. Sharara was vastly different. He was extremely thorough, assertive, and had a clear plan in mind for us. After running several tests on my husband and I, he affirmatively diagnosed me with PCOS and educated me on what it means. We went into the consultation wanting to do IVF right away, but he was adamant about me taking a break for 2-3 months to prep my body. His first goal was to get me to ovulate naturally without relying on medications like Letrozole/Clomid. He asked me to try a "fertility diet" (low carb, no sugar), take several supplements, and just try to conceive naturally during this time. He was very optimistic about this. We were shocked and a little doubtful at first, but we appreciated his more prospective approach, so we decided to trust the process and go with it. Well, just after 1.5 months of the diet and supplements, we conceived naturally!! Of course, what worked for me might not work for everyone, but what I felt I got from him was a plan that was tailored for my condition and age...and not some standard cookie-cutter protocol.

My husband and I are tremendously grateful for Dr. Sharara. While under his care, we found him and his nurses to be extremely personable, compassionate, professional, responsive, and VERY timely (never waited more than 5 mins). And while we didn't need "medical treatment" from him per se (i.e. IUI or IVF) , he empowered me with so much knowledge and the things I can do for myself, and it's because of THAT, I feel less helpless about my condition, I understand my infertility better, and can now happily say I am pregnant.

Thank you Dr. Sharara and the VCRM team!


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