Fun Time

3 years ago

Commercial Strategy Manager Vacancy

Commercial Strategy Manager Vacancy
I arrived for my interview 15 minutes ahead of my interview time and reported to reception. The receptionist telephoned the human resources manager to say that I had arrived. 30 minutes later I was still waiting in reception so the receptionist telephoned the human resources manager again to ask if she wanted me to be sent up to the third floor. 45 minutes later another human resources manager arrived for work so the receptionist asked her if she wanted to deal with me. This human resources manager agreed to take to the third floor for my assessment. My invite to interview email had requested that I prepared a presentation, so I was surprised that my assessment included a presentation on a completely different topic to the one that I had prepared. The assessment included a financial analysis which I duly performed and an answer sheet on which I was to write the answers to the financial analysis. I was surprised that on completing the financial analysis the human resources manager did not want the answer sheet so I kept it. After my assessment I had to wait in a corridor for 45 minutes before being asked to a panel interview. The panel interview lasted 45 minutes and consisted of a presentation followed by a competency based interview. The interviewers did want to see my answer sheet.
How can the interviewers assess candidates if they do not look at the answer sheets to see if the assessment has been performed correctly? The whole interview process was a complete mess. I know that the Care Quality Commission has rated Barts Health as needs improvement, but I think that Barts health should be put back into special measures.


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