Jeron Pearson

4 years ago

I am utterly dissatisfied with the way Texas Rente...

I am utterly dissatisfied with the way Texas Renters treated us in a recent application process.

My family and I recently relocated to Houston due to a job change and found a property managed by Texas Renters to rent. We submitted our application for review, meeting all of the standard requirements of credit score, income and background check. In the initial application we were asked a series of question about our pets. We have Cocker Spaniel just over 20 lbs and a house cat. They asked us for breed, color, weight and a few other question. It was fully communicated the information about our pets.

We continued on through two more steps and received an email that stated, "I have received all the documents and everything looks great!". Later in the email they asked us for photos of our pets, which we sent. Up to this point we have every reason to believe that we are on par to get this rental, especially when we are told that "everything looks great". Mind you, this statement was made knowing our pet situation.

We get an email back the following day telling us that owner of the property has rejected our pets and rejected our application, then we find out about the same time they received another application in on the house. We were caught off guard, especially when the previous day "everything was fine", including our pets. The property is also listed as pet friendly. Now everything is not fine. In an attempt to still secure the house, we get a letter from our previous landlord and send a letter ourselves asking to be reconsidered. It took almost 3 days to hear back from them, and they didn't even attempt to contact us. Our realtor had to contact them to confirm that we were not getting the house.

This was such an underhanded move by Texas Renters. Either they didn't know what the owner of their property wanted in a renter and in doing so misrepresented their client or they knew their client did not want pets and intentionally allowed us to apply so they could take our NONREFUNDABLE application fees.

To make matters worse, we are moving 12 hours away from our previous home and after 4 days of looking at homes, we narrowed our search down to 2 homes. This home was one of them. We chose poorly. By the time we found out we could not have this home, the other home was rented. They could have told us from the beginning that we would not get the home due to our pets, but instead Texas Renters chose to waste our time and money and, in doing so, cause us to miss out on the other option for a rental.

Now we are starting from the beginning again, looking for a house having lost almost an entire week of searching because we submitted our initial application on 12/31/14 and received the new of our rejection on Jan 7. When you are looking for a home for your family a weeks delay is unacceptable.

We are so utterly disappointed by our experience with Texas Renters that will never work with them again.


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