Abby Greenwood

4 years ago

The doctors, when allowed to see them, were really...

The doctors, when allowed to see them, were really pretty good. The nursing staff mostly were rude, esp nurse managers who are supposed to be problem solvers. The hospital manager who participated with palliative care in searching my daughter's room against her wishes, looking for food items, called in 3 security guards before she would meet with me To Hear MY complaints. I am a 58 year old, 5 feet tall woman....I mean come on...the clincher was when we were seeking support through a chaplain, she was one of their "team" and was of no help in any way. Very scary when you put your child's life in their hands and they won't even allow you to be at their side. Management at this place is ridiculous, which will keep quality care givers from being employed by them. Cliques should not be part of the health care setting. The good nurses kept their heads down to fly under the radar. They will be lucky if they aren't sued right out of business within the next 2 years. Every time she got a good doc, he/she would be rotated off her care and we would start all over with new one. Same mistakes over and over until they got familiarized with her and realized her uniqueness. Did I mention they sent my daughter home to die twice? Thank God for good docs elsewhere. She is alive and getting better every day, no thanks to St. Joseph hospital in Bellingham.


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