Carlos Sanchez

4 years ago

Good afternoon, I do not know if the center has a ...

Good afternoon, I do not know if the center has a director or it is only a place that rents offices, but if it has a director the truth leaves a lot to be desired, on 01-10 I had a shift at 17.45, I asked for permission in my work Since I work in federal capital to leave earlier, I arrived 17.40, the lady who attends with all her patience attended me 17.50, informing me very calm that I was going to attend another doctor and that I had to wait an hour because the doctor who I had to attend he had retired, the most unpleasant thing about the situation is that the doctor left while I was waiting and neither the doctor nor the secretary, they were even able to ask if I was for the turn of 17.45, obviously I did not attend and I left, since I was not going to wait an hour when I arrived on time and the doctor was there and left. The truth is, God willing, I hope I don't have to go back any more since I have a very unpleasant moment through the whole situation and have to have bothered in my work at all.

Carlos Sanchez
DNI 16598559


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