Niandra Lades

4 years ago

RingGo app is owned by Cobalt Telephone Technologi...

RingGo app is owned by Cobalt Telephone Technologies

I parked at Holiday Inn (London) carpark through RingGo app. I paid 17.50GBP for 7 hours few days before in advance. Their app works like this: you drive to the park, open app - press a button to open the barrier, park and when you need to leave you just open the barrier by pressing the "open barrier" button, then the parking session should end and you would get charged for any extra hours if you haven't left in time.

I was leaving the carpark about 30 minutes before my time would expire, drove next to the barrier, pressed the button on the app to open it and I got a generic error so nothing happened. Tried again and again with no luck. Then after some time of trying I decided to call the helpline. Long story short the lady on the phone made the barrier to open for me and then I left. After that I checked my RingGo app and the time was still ticking as if I never left. I was trying to end the session but again no luck. Then I called customer service again, that same lady answered and was just trying to "help" me by asking if I was able to leave the car park even though she already knew that I left it because when she made the barrier open I told her that it work etc. (I forgot to mention that this call is charged 1.5GBP per minute, so that's probably why she was trying to waste my time on the phone with her nonsense. After few hours of driving back home I was still unable to stop the session through the app nor through their website, both give me a " Sorry, an error has occurred." message. Their website shows that the session is automatically ending in 6 days. I was calling the same lady again and she basically told me that she can only open the barrier and nothing more. She said that she will give my details to one of her colleagues and they will sort this out and call me back ASAP. Nothing ever happened after that. I was just reading trustpilot reviews after all this nasty experience and saw that lot's of people have all sorts of complaints about this company. As I see it now they are probably going to charge me for the whole week even though I left parking lot long time ago. Customer service is useless and there is no way of stopping this parking session.


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