Business Manager

4 years ago

My review is based on the falsification and the wr...

My review is based on the falsification and the wrong interpretation of folks. Family Law CCW Supervisor Lindsey Thanayi, Family Law Attorney title. Hum.... But working as a site Supervisor for the Family Law Facilitators Office. BE BLESSED !

I met with her and she seemed to be a nice lady who sale false dreams, yet a bit unprofessional for her so called title. She is an indecisive fake and what I do not understand is why in the black community Its our own people who try to hold us back. (BLACK WOMEN) I do not believe this is the kind of folks that our children in our community could look up to. Lies, Jealousy, and Envy leads you no where but right where you are with a JD Degree.

I am entrepreneur minded and with a JD Degree I would definitely have my own practice what a waste. Sad dark environment. Good THING she changed her mind last minute. God Save Me from the woof in sheep clothing...


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