Costa Nova

3 years ago

Hello, yes this is my English review of La Rotonda...

Hello, yes this is my English review of La Rotonda. First, I just want to start off with saying the food was excellent! It was exceptional, truly. I had oysters, escargot, and stake tar tar and they all were very delicious. But my waiter from the start was very sexist. Yes, the waitstaff was very curious and kind they all said hello and recognized that we were from the US and gave us an English menu. But, when I was ordering wine the waiter would insist on a different wine then what I chose. It was frustrating. Hello.. I'm telling you what I want I'm not asking for suggestions. I guess that wouldn't of bothered me so much if it stopped at the wine, but it was ever course I chose. I had to ask do you have this still or did you run out??? After he said yes I had to say well this is what I want, for him to stop insisting on what "I would like". My starter, my entree he constantly insisted on what I should be eating. It wasn't that I was unsure. I knew what I wanted yet, my boyfriend across the table didn't know and the waitstaff stood there and waited for him to choose. It was very rude. It got to a point where I just expected the waitstaff to do it at every choice that I was trying to make. And he succeeded on letting me know what dessert I should have after I said creme brulee six times. It got to the point where I was just annoyed on how I was being treated, he never once told my boyfriend what he should be eating.

Words of advice: don't let the wait staff tell you what is "good" especially if you know what you want to eat already.


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