Jill Silverberg

4 years ago

Every book lover's dream!!!!

Every book lover's dream!!!!

Been in love with this bookstore ever since I first accidentally stumbled upon it. They have a side lot that is filled with discount books that range in prices from $1-5. There is no really organization of these books so you do have to do some searching but isn't that half the fun?

Inside, its just over-stuffed bookcase after over-stuffed bookcase. These are organized into categories which certainly helps with navigating. Will say that some sections are infinitely larger than others. For instance, they have a whole aisle filled with books on different cities in the Massachusetts area. Even so, you could spend hours inside shelf reading without even getting halfway through their entire collection. Although cluttered, this place is not at all musty or dusty.

This place is how every used bookstore should be.


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