Chomy D

4 years ago



Despite having Medicaid, I was charged up front and would be reimbursed by VEO after they are paid first.

Charge up front meant no new frames for kids despite it being covered by Medicaid. At the time, I could only afford to order lenses to use in kids old frames.

Female staff member admitted not knowing how to handle Medicaid process.

I was told lenses would be in Friday (6 days later) and that I could drop off the old glasses to have the lenses cut to fit old frames (30-minute process). No one bothered to call me to inform me whether the lenses were actually in or not.

We went there Saturday (day 7) and were told lenses weren t in yet and that they would call me Monday. No one bothered to call me Monday.

I finally got a call the following Saturday (day 14). The message left stated I had to make an appointment to DROP OFF the old glasses.

Appointment made for Tuesday (day 17). I was then told it would take 45 minutes, so I left my name and number for them to call me when ready (they didn t know to look in our charts for my name and number).

Since no one bothered to call me after two hours, I called them to find out that the eyeglasses were actually ready. The woman I was speaking with apologized for not calling sooner stating that they were busy with patients. (What are we - chopped liver? Did my kids not go through the whole eye exam process with them and order lenses from them?) I then had the pleasure of being asked, Do you want to pick them up? Well, DUH!

When we finally returned there, I was given the experience of dealing with a healthcare professional with no bedside manners. It was more like dealing with a typical Asian businessperson rather than someone who should actually care for their patients eye health.


I would rather poke small holes into my eyeballs and flush with acid than deal with VEO.


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