Cadie Calvert

3 years ago


The "sales manager" Esteban promised me via Text Message that I could get a 2013 Honda they listed for $12,300 for $9,000 CASH. I had many text messages with him where I reiterated numerous times that I was not looking to finance, and that I needed his word I could get this vehicle for $9k cash.
NEEDLESS to say, he is a punk liar. Tony, my sales rep, was very kind. But Esteban, who assisted this deal, was BEYOND pushy, a jerk, conniving, condescending, and just DOWN RIGHT HORRIBLE. I work for a much larger car company, and I have never experienced a situation so EXTREME and NASTY.
After being jerked around for over 3 HOURS and him telling me he did not say what he said (even though I have text messages to prove it) . He said "OH i thought it was around 10 or 11k, not almost 15k!! well... okay mr. dramatic... the car is listed for $12,300 and you said SPECIFICALLY that you would give me THIS car. He then has the AUDACITY to show me "the only car he would sell me for 9k cash" and it was an older NISSAN VERSA. Are you kidding me!?!? That is who I work for!! I can get this car BRAND NEW for 10k!!! Then when I have finally had enough of the snake of a man he is, he REFUSES to give me back my license. I stood there and argued with him for 30 minutes (after waiting 15 minutes for him to "go get my license").
He says to me "I have a car out front right now I will sell to you". I politely told him, no thanks I do not want to do business with you, please give me my license so I can go home. I live 1 hour and 30 minutes from here and it is 830pm. I have been here since 445!!
He then again come back with RUDE comments like "Why?!" "Thought you wanted a car!!!" "Why are you changing your mind now, huh?!" I then again ask for it back, he says "I dont have it". Well where the f is it?! "someone tool it on a test drive".... OHHH OKAY!
My father now sees the confrontation and walks over and politely states "Please give my daughter back her license so we can go to dinner".
NO he says, I am trying to sell you a car, that why you are here isnt it?!

At this point... we have been arguing another 25 minutes, so I am beyond frustrated... I had to YELL at the top of my lungs "PLEASE GIVE ME MY LICENSE NOW OR I WILL CALL THE COPS". he says "DO IT, i dont care".

WOWWW how old are we?? You look 25, and you are the RUDEST person I have ever met. (I say to myself)


I then FINALLY have to YELL. "everybody... I REALLY hope you are not buying a car from a dealership that it currently SHOWING US AT THIS EXACT MOMENT that ALLLLLL they car about is MONEY and not about the customer... LEAVE, LEAVE while you have the chance!!!"

Finally, A nice older gentleman approaches and orders him to get my license right this second, ALL OF A SUDDEN my license appears.

Tell me what kind of customer service this is??? It was NONEXISTENT. It was WORSE, it was PURE TORTURE. This dealership could not GIVE me a FREE car. I would never in my life want to deal with such a place that treats a human being like a piece of garbage, I am telling whoever is reading this right now... that I work for a MAJOR car corporate office and I will do EVERYTHING in my power to get Mr. Esteban FIRED! PLEASE Acura, do yourself a HUGE favor and let this guy walk, You will lose so much business if you let this punk kid stay at your company. If i was his boss, I would have fired him on the spot.

I WILL be taking legal action, and I will be in contact with their FSM or their Corporate Headwaters to file an official complaint. But PLEASE... buyer beware!! I have NEVER wrote a complaint before... so PLEASE listen to me. See the screenshots of ALL his lies... Esteban will tell you whatever you want to hear to get you in there...



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