Tiffany D

4 years ago

Pretty frustrated with the customer service I just...

Pretty frustrated with the customer service I just received over the phone with a representative. I called in to get information on what to do because my grandmother passed away in February and I needed to know how to move forward with her claim. I am not the beneficiary, but I am the executor of her estate. I was asked questions and then interrupted several times while I was trying to respond to those questions. The representative hardly let me speak without cutting me off to talk over me, and then at the end of the call she stated that she was so sorry for my loss in a very indifferent/robotic tone, and then hung up on me before I could even say Thank you, goodbye. I was in the middle of saying Thank... when the phone cut off, which means I was hung up on. At one point she had asked me if we had done a funeral service already and I was trying to say that due to Covid-19 they cut all gatherings over certain numbers of people off, so no, but she cut me off in the middle of that sentence to say that she didn t need that information, and just needed to know whether or not we had a service for her yet. I could understand if I was talking a lot or rambling but I was only answering the questions I was being asked.

Not that it really matters all that much, but if you re going to work with customers who have lost loved ones, you shouldn t try to appear sympathetic if you aren t actually going to be sympathetic. It s rude and patronizing to the person calling in. There s nothing more insensitive than acting like you care if you re simultaneously being rude to the person you re supposed to be giving your condolences to.

Overall she did do her job, but it was done in a way that felt cold and insensitive. That turns customers away from your business and makes them want to go elsewhere. Personally my husband and I won t be going through this company for our own life insurance based on this experience alone.


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