Reddit Light

4 years ago

First off, i am 38 yr old single mother of a 17 yr...

First off, i am 38 yr old single mother of a 17 yr old son & i am a terminal cancer patient. I have a cardiac tumor & cancer in my lungs. My mother called the parma paramedics bc my father who has emphysema & he couldn't breathe in a lot of pain & i was going to go w him in the ambulance. My father is old fashioned & hides any health problems from us- his 4 daughters so he didn't want me to go & see him like that. This young arrogant most likely woman beater paramedic says he doesn't want u to go so i said ok & asked my dad u dont want me to come?- he shook his head no. I wanted to give him a hug and kiss but rt after he shook his head the paramedic (on duty right now 11pm fri feb 22nd) elbowed me (im 5'4 123lbs) once & then again harder to push me away for no reason. I said y did you just physically elbow me twice, i wish i was recording u. He said bc we're trying to take care of ur father. I said U PUT UR HANDS ON ME TWICE WHERE DO GET OFF DOING THAT AS IF ITS OK?! I asked him for his name & he put his hand over his name & radio the police got in the ambulance & shut the door. My father, mother, & 2 neighbors saw him step closer to me elbow me not once but twice on the right side where i recently had a mastectomy. I was polite there was absolutely no reason for his actions. And im sure it isnt the 1st incident like that hes done on the job. And with all of the witnesses he still got physical w a female terminal cancer patient 3xs smaller than him. Obviously hes done this before with no repercussions or consequences. Any1 else that has been physically abused or mistreated by any parma paramedic speak out bc u aren't the only one


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