Maddee Jacques

3 years ago

Maybe my friend and I weren t dressed well enough ...

Maybe my friend and I weren t dressed well enough to get this woman s attention or perhaps it was because we were two asian women, but the woman managing this stand at the corona Del Mar farmers market was incredibly rude to my friend and I even though we were spending money on her products. We had patiently waited behind a couple in line to ask questions about her juices. When they were done and I was beginning to ask my question she looked right past us and greeted another couple that got there quite a bit after us. I understand mistakes happen, but considering it was only the three groups of couples there it seemed fairly blatant. She disregarded our questions and gave us no information even though she had no problem chatting up the people in front of us. I still spent $30 on 3 drinks that other people sell for about $6 or $7/ea just to prove a point that she had made a mistake treating us like we weren t good enough to support her juice pressing hobby, but the entire ride home from the market my friend and I spoke about how we couldn t get over how rude a business owner could be to two paying customers.


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