4 years ago

What a waste. The advanced training culinary progr...

What a waste. The advanced training culinary program here is top notch make no mistake, but the snobby elitists who run it have one too many sticks up their butts. I spent one whole year working under the expert instruction of the C.E.C. instructor at Inland Empire Job Corp, had the support of the whole center's staff, was phase 5 (the highest behavior rating), and still got rejected, over 6 mo. old case notes (minor offences). Not every rule is explained or written in the handbook, but you aren't excused because you didn't know. One of which was a complete slanderous lie made up by a staff member who just didn't like me. The worst part is every other staff member knew what happened and chose not to preserve my name or reprimand the lier who tried to get my education terminated. Now I'm at a significant disadvantage in terms of experience, skill set, and finances (you actually get paid for work at TI), on top of being miles away from SF the cuisine capitol of the US. This is Job Corp not MIT, Berkeley, or Harvard, great students are supposed to make and over come mistakes at Job Corp, it should not be this hard to get in. Great job TI thanks a lot for setting my career back like 5 years.


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