Tifany B

3 years ago

Do not recommend. They are used by our mortgage co...

Do not recommend. They are used by our mortgage company. This was our first home purchase so we didn t take advantage of shopping around for a closing attorney due to convenience. We will definitely shop around next time. Thankfully I have researched up and down and combed through all of the paperwork before closing and had a good understanding of what things meant and didn t require the attorney to explain in great detail what was being signed because our first exchange when we arrived was very abrasive because she was clearly annoyed with my husband reading through what he was signing. 15 mins into closing the attorney was notified by the assistant that they hadn t received our funds and hubby pulled out his checkbook. Apparently they had sent him 2 emails within that week before about what form of payments are allowed. No phone call for communication or to verify closing costs instructions and funds have been sent. Only communication about closing cost instructions was sent via email which may work for some but not us. Especially if you re spouse works 60 hours a week, doesn t check email often and is not good with electronics. So we had to come back since that required a trip to the bank and banks were closed for that day.

Things happen and we are really easy going couple. I don t normally write negative reviews but we left this place in awe of how unprofessional the attorney was. The bad taste we were left with didn t have anything to do with closing instructions. That s a non-factor in influencing me to write this review. We were already discussing A few minutes into the appointment how rude she was before she and we were aware of the funds not being sent electronically and them not accepting a check book check (we are old school, i guess). I just brought that up because others have commented on terrible communication and I wanted to reinforce that since we, too, had that experience. Things happen and we are really easy going and

She was even ranting about an attorney who was new there had just let her know that she was being quarantined because of covid. She was upset because the attorney didn t tell her if she was positive or negative. I understand the frustration but it was just unprofessional. As a client I don t need to hear you rant and def don t need to hear you talking about your co-workers or employees.

Side note, it can take up to a week before you receive covid results, depending on the lab the specimen is sent to. Maybe the attorney didn t tell her because she didn t know. She said that it was that day that the attorney let her know about being quarantined. So it s very likely results were not back and she was being quarantined as a precaution.

5/26/20- sent email as requested. I did not reply sooner. Just had surgery.


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