Richard Owens

3 years ago

I would never usually go out of my way to spread b...

I would never usually go out of my way to spread bad word about a business, but considering how difficult and stressful the Jordan Fishwick organisation made the year of residency at one of their properties (and even afterwards), I feel like their poor service and bad attitude deserves the attention.

I lived in a flat on Mauldeth Road West where we had two big problems: one was a wasp infestation that took WEEKS of phone calls and emails to get anything done about it. The second was a potential hazard involving my bedroom window (which was on the top floor of the building) falling apart and I couldn't open it because the wooden pane holding one of the glass panes was loosening from the whole frame - so the glass pane was weighing it down; it could have come loose any moment and fallen four-stories onto someone if they had just been underneath at the time. I know it would have been unlikely anyone would be there WHEN the moment came, but it was a risk I couldn't take, and so I had to keep my window shut for the last 9+ months of my contract, which was painful during the summer of 2014.

No amount of emails or calls ever got this fixed. The landlord turned up once, had a look around, said he'd get someone to measure the windows and never got any further than that, despite me trying to chase the Jordan Fishwick branch for months before giving up.

To add insult to injury, the staff incessantly hound you with emails, calls and voicemails if they need something. I can understand if certain things need to be done, but considering how they barely acknowledged anything I'd tell them and then talk down to me when they wanted something, it made me angry.

Also, just another thing, I thought that since the contract ended, the debit for rent would automatically cancel, and I wasn't told until two months after I left. The first time they took it out, I got a refund and figured it had been a simple mistake. It was only the second time I was told. The only positive thing I could actually say about this company was that they were fairly quick giving refunds; even if they did make me overdrawn twice.

I wouldn't recommend these to anyone. If you see a nice property under their management, don't do it, because you will find dealing with them a horrible experience. You can tell other people have felt the same by their reviews on here. Terrible.


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